Hotel to Community Housing Conversion
Ottawa ON
FSA completed a cladding replacement feasibility study on this former hotel. FSA provided engineering services for the design and administration of the replacement of the exterior cladding, windows, and investigation and repair of the concrete walls on the east and west elevations. FSA also oversaw the HVAC replacement that was part of this project.
The building consists of 4 stories above grade and a basement, with a gross floor area of approximately 31,880ft². It includes 44 rooms with private washrooms, common kitchens and laundry rooms on each floor, offices and playroom on the ground floor, and storage lockers in the basement.
Several challenges were successfully navigated during this project including asbestos and mould abatement, pandemic supply issues.
FSA’s Role
FSA was engaged as the prime consultant to complete site investigations and design the building envelope replacement to facilitate this original hotel building into a family shelter.